
Guilt is surely heavy, and even heavier when you can not forgive yourself. The concept of forgiveness is often about letting go of the hurt people caused you so that you can enjoy the peace of not haunting who hurt you.

But what if it is yourself you need to forgive? What if you need to understand that you did wrong but it does not define you but rather is an opportunity to be gentle with your own soul? Sometimes I say something stupid or use a certain tone and as soon as I realize it , I feel so guilty and my heart feels heavy for hours. Sometimes the other person forgives me or does not even make the big deal out of it. Yet, it does not matter because I continue to feel unworthy of their forgiveness. I am not at peace with the fact that I did someone wrong. Self-forgiveness is independent of everything anyone says or thinks but your own understanding that letting go is the only better way.

Self-forgiveness is the realization that you have no control over what has happened or how anyone else will react to it. It is the decision you make not to let mistakes or your own flaws drag you down, the power to not let your imperfect side cause your self-esteem to shatter.

Letting go of the guilt of your mistakes and accepting your imperfection is being gentle with your heart and making peace with your past.

Understanding that you are imperfect and will always be and that if you keep on punishing yourself continually, you are going to die guilty.

Living in that horror is just not worth it and remembering that your mistakes do not strip away your worth and striving not to repeat the same mistakes is a healthier way of living for yourself and people around you.

“Forgive yourself” is another way of saying “let go”.

So let go!

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